Friday, July 24, 2009

My times at camp before Bible School

My job on the government plan was over that spring. I believe I went to my cousins Cecile place until camp time. Many of the youth & some adults had received an experience with Jesus. There were Bible studies in several different homes or towns from Parry to Kedive some in homes others in small churches. Camp time was a time for everyone who wanted more Bible study and fellowship with those of like faith, and they went to Trossach camp for all or part of the first two weeks of July. I went again that summer with the Johnson's, in their coupe car. I believe there were six of us young people in the rumble seat, really it was just the trunk of car with lid lifted up. Three youth were seated in the trunk each had a person on their lap. The roads were gravel in those days so you can't believe how dusty we all were on arriving at camp. The first few years of camp I worked to pay for my board & room. One year Rachel Rasmussen & I washed the tea towels in a wash tub set on two chairs, we had an old fashioned washboard, to rub them clean, one of us did the rub a dub to get the stains out as the other one rung the soapy water out & into the rinse water in another tub. I don't remember when we first had the use of an old fashioned hand ringer. I have got the water out of the wet clothes both ways, but mostly by hand. We had to hang these towels on a clothes line which was outside back of the wash house to dry in the wind. They later had to be folded & put away. I don't believed we had to bleach the towels. Later years when the camp had its own power plant there was an electric washing machine with a ringer on it. We had clothes racks to dry clothes in rainy weather. I enjoyed camp time. One year Louise Siggelkow & I had one of the first children church services. This was in the prayer cottage, which was back of the sleeping quarters. She played the accordion we sang & I think that Louise gave a Bible story, then asked who wanted to give their heart to Jesus, her youngest brother Phil put his hand up. Louise asked me to take my Bible & lead her brother in the sinners prayer, I don't remember what all I said but he wept & nodded his head yes. Phil was the first person I lead to the Lord. He has been a minister for many years.

The bible studies at camp were such a help to my growth as a christian. I had saved the money I received while at the Pritchard's to attend a Bible school in Grendfell Sask. This school had started in AB but was going to enlarge for a number of students were applying to go. There was a large Mansion of a place found in this Sask town, so the school was moved there the year or so before I applied to attend. I didn't have quit enough money to pay all my fees but I was given a job to wash two flights of stairs, one from the top floor & down to the lower level where the meals were served. I remember one big mess I had to clean up. There were no flush toilets in those days, so in the up stairs was what was called the "CAN" which had to be carried down to be emptied. Muriel was a preachers daughter, a dainty,sweet girl who was assigned this job. She slipped at the top level. This was quit a mess to clean up as it effected both flights of stairs, we both had a big hard job that day, but we survived. We became good friends even after this unpleasant encounter.

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