Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our Families 1st Car

Before the dirty thirty's my dad had bought a Chevy touring car with side curtains, our very first car. Dad had my mother drive the car. She learned to drive by going around our fields then country back roads then finally into town. No one needed a drivers license in those early days. Our family took our first trip by car on hwy 13 to Parry where my Uncle Oscar & family lived. During that visit we all went to some camp meetings at Trossach, near the town of Weyburn. This was our families first time to be at a Revival meeting. I just remember the crowds as there was a grove of many trees a few miles from the Town of Trossach & it was a few more miles to a larger town of Weyburn Sask. On Sunday's lots of people came here for a picnic under the trees as this was what folks called Holy Rollers Camp. It was said the attraction was to see these people roll, some thing I never ever saw the many times I attended this camp. Little did I know that some day when I finished my schooling I would cook at this camp. At this time I am not sure if we had a picnic or paid to eat in the dining hall. I remember getting to know Cecile's brother Kenneth, he was several years older than us. His mother gave him money to treat Cliff & I, so we had ice cream, candy etc which he bought at the concession booth. This was a real treat for Cliff & I. I don't think we stayed long in the meetings after the lively singing of hymns & choruses.

Now I was once again to attend this same camp many years later, with my cousins family Cecile & Harry & their three children Reatha, Eldon & Arlo. It was at the first service that I went forward to give my heart & life to Jesus after accepting him as my lord & saviour. I believe my folks & Cecile's had been praying for all of our family for years. I had been going to some house meetings in Hazenmore with Isabelle Keith & others. Mother was head of the United Church Sunday School & I guided the youth group so I felt I was religious enough to get to heaven but after attending a Alliance Church meeting in Parry school with Aunt Alta & Uncle Oscar it was then I felt I should give my life to God but because my Aunt didn't seem to feel the way I did, I didn't put my hand up to accept salvation. Now at camp I started feeling uncomfortable so I decided to go outside , my excuse to Cecile was I want to go to the bathroom so she went with me. We came back into the meeting she asked me if I really wanted to become a born again christian, I felt tears coming as Cecile asked if I'd like to go up to the front (which they called the altar) & have their minister Mrs Pritchard talk with me to explained more clearly how to become a true born again follower of Jesus, Gods only son, who came into this world to die for my sins. She wanted to know if I want to give my life to Jesus, ask him to forgive my sins, thank him for saving me, I said yes "but I am afraid I won't be able to always live it." Mrs Pritchard said "God doesn't ask you to do this in your own power. I asked her "How do I do this?" She said "Jesus died for you & if you let him come into your heart as you pray, ask him to guide you daily, he will, do you accept Jesus as your saviour?" I said "yes " & peace came into my heart. I knew I had made wrong decisions in life, but now for me, the christian life is the best and the most satisfying way for me to really enjoy life with family & other people, as I praying for others, helping those in need with God's guidance. I am glad I made this life changing decision early in my life.

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