Thursday, July 2, 2009

Family Memories of life when father was away

To day I am recalling things that happened, & how we as a family took our dads illness. He had many decisions to make just before the dirty 30 started. I remember mother telling me that dad wanted to sell our quarter of land & move away to another area to buy a larger farm as he had a family of 6 to provide for. Mother felt this wasn't a reasonable plan as we had good neighbours & church family which she had all her life. Her parents had been troubled about her move to this far away place in Saskatchewan Canada. This most likely was one of the reasons they visited us when I was born. The Phillips family had never made any moves like this as all their relatives were with in visiting distance. Our neighbour wanted to sell his quarter of land that joined ours. This sale was an opportunity for us to have a larger farm with out leaving our friends or the church family. I think we had one year of fair crops, then the dry years lengthened. My dad wasn't able to pay these added debts with the poor crop yields. Dad went into a deep depression & his health declined, his walk was unsteady yet had no pain in his legs. A neighbour lady often came to talk & encourage my parents, I watched all this & mother took me as some one in the family she needed confide in. Mother would take we children in the evening just before bed time, we lay down together on her bed & talked. She read the Bible to us & we closed our eyes while she prayed for our family. This was most likely started when dad was place by a Dr in the hospital in Weyburn with people who were considered mentally unbalanced, but he was not given medication but was to be away from families worries, with no responsibility's. He was good with rug making, hand sewing & repair work, all of this kept his mind busy with no out side concerns. With the closing of this hospital & the Dr using medicine & other different means of treatment for many kinds of these health issues My father was treated with what was called shock treatments then was sent home to his family.

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