Saturday, April 24, 2010

Gary starts school in the country.

Gary was a six it was time to attend school which was around 2 mile away. This had been closed for several years .The few students who were of school age were attending the neigboring school of Ryerson . Several older farmers had retired to live in town. Two families with children bought these farms , who had school age children to attend. Harvey school board decided, our school could reopened. The former trustees applyed for a school teacher . Harvey school reopened with around 10 students.I think the new teacher was a older single lady, who boarded at one of the families who lived within walking distance of the school. Gail started her first year as well here. By the time Colleen was school age this school closed & kids were driven by their parents to Lake school as several needed to attend high school. Later school buses took the country kids to & from School in Oak Lake. They had to walk to the nearest corner to get picked up returned after school was out.
I would often take my children to Trossach camp in July, so the summer, The year Evelyn & Charlie had pray time with his sister Clara, they had felt a call to to go to a Bible school. That summer Evelyn decided she & I would go to this camp. The services were full of bible teaching
& when we returned home she told Charlie how they could attend this Bible school as it was not as exensive as other they had talked about. Clara wanted to go as well as she had just finished her high school. They attended & graduated from this school coming back to our place & worked in the Oak Lake Honey Plant each summer. They excepted a pastorate in Minnedosa, Manitoba,
where they ministored for seneral years.
The first year they returned I was execting our youngest daughter Colleen who was born on Sept 3rd. By this time we had a new pastor in our church in Oak Lake. The Crasler were a older couple with 2 small children. We had our first two children dedicated to the Lord at Trossach Camp Babys were dedicated to the Lord by their parents at a early age. Water baptism took place after their decision to take Christ as their Savior & done by immersion.
The Craslers had twin girls around the same time Colleen was born. They had their hands full with such a large family. Max tried to comfort Rev Crasler, saying you will recieve double the family allowance with two.The family allowance had been put in place when Gary was born, & he recieved one of the first of $5.00 per child a month, I don't think our pastor enjoyed Max
remark of the government help. One sunday there were three babys dedicated to the Lord by visiting pastor , our Colleen & the twins Lois & Eunice Crasler.

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