Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We go back to Winnipeg to see the specilist

We had to make another trip to the city to see the specialist. I believe Gail & I went by train & if I remember right Les Pritchard picked us up & we were taken to see the Specialist, I believe she was exrayed to see how the hip shelf had grown over the joint. It was time to change this cast to a lighter one, which would go down both legs in a caste to her ankles with a square inch stick in the plaster between them, holding them apart far enough that her hips would be in place, so she could have movement of her legs without putting too much pressure on her hip joints. I used creams on her fair skin for her newly exposed legs. I must have returned by train. Gail would play with her brother in what we called the play room, with their toys. She could scoot around on her seat by propelling her body with her hands where ever she wanted to go. She was a happy child with no complaining about this caste. In the warm days Gary would put her in his little wagon to pull her around to enjoy the outdoors. When they played in the play room I found out she could pull herself up to a chair or the couch swinging herself to move where ever she wanted to go. Gary was very helpful to me as he made sure she wouldn't go out of his sight when I was busy. She did have a scare after falling over a toy cutting a gash on the back of her head leaving a scare to this day.

I met another lady who had her daughter at the specialist the same time we were there. Her daughter had both hips out of joint. She had found that out when her child would not try even to crawl I saw her at the Specialist both times we went to see the Dr. She had two children, a year apart, but even after her child's cast was off she wouldn't try to walk, we corresponded for several years, she had 3 children before her first one walked.

Max brother Charlie, Evelyn & Fern would come for visits. When our last visit to see the specialist Evelyn drove Gail & I down to get her caste off. We were all excited about having it removed. Gail was talking by now. A nurse brought her out to us, her Aunt Evelyn took her as
I talked with the Dr. Gail said "Put me down I want to run," disappointment lite up her face as her legs crumbled so she said "put the caste back on I can't walk." The nurse assured her she would in time. Gail didn't shed a tear but I could see by her face she would soon be trying. The men folks couldn't go with us as both Max & Charlie had chores to do. Evelyn & I made the trip home that night.

Gail still scooted around on her seat but I noticed she would head for the play room & shut the door behind her, after a short time I took a peak in the room, here she had pulled herself up to a chair, each day she did a bit more as her legs strengthened, She had a few falls hit a toy or so
but never complained about her bumps, she was walking with nothing to hold her back from
from pressing on until she could go places with both feet on the floor, to take her where ever she wanted to go. I asked Gail today if she remembered anything about being in the caste. She said all she remembered is when we went back to see the Doctor he told her he couldn't tell which hip had been out, they were both perfectly the same. We were all thankful that this trying experence was in the past.

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