Monday, August 10, 2009

Ministry in Oak Lake Manitoba.

My sister Clara had a job working in the Hospital in Regina & stayed with the Grace Gospel pastor where she worked for her board & room for the McVeity's. Both Clara & I worked for Mc Veity family who had 4 children. Clara attended the small church there. It was at this Church Clara met Ernie, her husband to be. Ernie had attended a Bible school there & at the coast, but had not been ordained as a minister with any organization yet. This was the way it was done in those early years with new church organizations just starting up after the depression. We left Regina for this small church in Manitoba. Howard Gay was a good piano player who had been helping out with services here. He went with us to direct us to the Gompf farm (7 miles)north east of the town. The Souis valley Reservation was just east of the Gompf farm. We had been invited for supper to the Gompfs. Upon arrival Howard introduced the new Pastor & his wife Ernie & Clara Siggelkow. He took me to a line up of 3 of the Gompf's sons. As he introduced me to them separately, each one keep holding my hand, saying "so good to meet you," I would have to slowly pull my hand away to meet the next smiling son. I was rather taken back by such attention. I believe Howard had put them up to this prank as he knew me from camp, Howard was the piano player for the Trossach camp when I attend there. After having a good farm cooked meal, I believe Howard stayed at the Gompf's while we went back get settled in to the parsonage for their first Pastorate. The house had 4 rooms, a bedroom, living room & dinning room as well as a lean to summer kitchen. The house had enough furniture for us to be comfortable. I had a couch to sleep on in the dinning room, Ernie & Clara's bedroom was furnished. I must have had a place for my things. There was wood burning stove in the front room & also in the summer kitchen. There was a wood pile out back with a axe to chop the large blocks of fire wood. There was a garden spot at the back of the lot. Here is where many gardens were grown, as the dark black soil in this part of Manitoba would grow good garden vegetables. There was also wild fruit in most of the groves of trees, especially near the river. The Assinaboine river valley ran though this area between the town & the Gompf farm. The Church was across town, not far from the shopping area. We settled in & got ready for the first church service & to meet the rest of the congregation.

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